The following is an extract of the objectives of the Dairy Goat Society of Australia Ltd.

  • To maintain the purity of and to promote and encourage the breeding of pedigreed goats of all dairy breeds
  • To promote and raise the standards of breeding, health and welfare and the keeping of all dairy goats
  • To promote the holding of exhibitions and to conduct exhibitions of dairy goats of all breeds
  • To promote and encourage the importation and exportation of all breeds of dairy goat into and out of Australia
  • To co-operate with the medical profession, hospitals, public health authorities and clinics with a view to encouraging a supply of goats milk
  • To collect, verify and publish information relating to the breeding, management and exhibiting of dairy goats
  • To make appropriate provisions for registering stock, recording and publishing production figures
  • To make contributions towards awards, medals and prizes for competitions and exhibitions and to make awards from time to time
  • To compile, print and publish at intervals a Herd Book of all breeds of dairy goats
  • To encourage the affiliation of and to affiliate with other bodies having similar objectives to the DGSA
  • To encourage members to become competent and qualified to judge the various breeds of dairy goats and to compile lists of qualified persons
  • To establish relations with Societies having similar objectives and encourage exchanges with Societies of like nature
  • To prescribe or approve standards in relation to sales or exhibition of dairy goats
  • To regulate the conduct of members in relation to exhibitions
  • To print and publish any newspapers, periodicals, books or leaflets that the Society may think desirable for the promotion of its objectives
  • To promote in any way not mentioned above the interests of members as breeders of pedigreed dairy goats